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Programming Notes

An old-timey family reading books.
The Print Collector/Print Collector/Getty Images

Hello! I hope you are making preparations for the the long holiday weekend. Before you go, I have some precious information to share with you.

Next week, the Defector staff will be convening in New York to hold some company meetings and welcome our two(!) new editorial interns to the staff. We will also be introducing our first-ever guest editor. Whoa!

Brandy Jensen, former editor at Gawker and The Outline, current writer of the excellent Ask A Fuck Up newsletter, and longtime enjoyer of the Jack Reacher novels, is going to be hanging out with us for the week. She's curated a collection of pieces around the theme of Irrational Attachments, which I think all of you will like.

OK, enjoy the weekend. Brandy will be here on Tuesday to kick things off.

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