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The Defector Summer Sale Stands Against Greedflation

A flyer displaying the Defector summer sale price

Last year, the harsh realities brought on by inflationary economic conditions forced Defector's hand: We raised the introductory price on our summer sale from $0.99 for your first month to $1.08. This year, however, we have better news: This year's introductory subscription sale price will be $1.04 for your first month.

Like all hard-working Americans, we here at Defector have been disappointed to see so many corporations refusing to lower their prices even as inflation has cooled. These examples of greedflation—a term we fully understand—run counter to one of Defector's core values, which is to sell a quality product at an affordable price.

Defector's subscription analytics and economic modeling teams have been hard at work for months, creating financial models and forecasts designed to produce this year's sale price. The wonks over at FRED tried to tell us that this year's sale should be priced at $1.12, but we said to hell with that! We stand against greedflation, and so the sale price has dropped by $0.04.

Does this make us heroes? Hard to say. Is now a particularly good time to buy a Defector subscription? That's a much easier question to answer: Yes! Drew Magary's annual Why Your Team Sucks NFL preview series is hitting its stride; we are covering the election from all the important angles; and we are Locked In for the Olympics. We also have a weekly crossword puzzle now! Oh, yeah, and we just hired a new staff writer.

Frankly, it would be silly not to take advantage of this limited-time offer. Not only will you get a daily supply of great blogs in return for your hard-earned money, you'll also join us in our fight against greedflation. What could possibly be more important than that?

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