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Defector Up All Night

Tony La Russa Mad About His Own Player Being Cool And Strong

Photo by Steph Chambers/Getty Images

So Yermin Mercedes turned a 47-mph pitch from Willians Astudillo into a big ol' homer in the ninth inning of last night's White Sox-Twins game. This was all good and fun because: 1) Yermin Mercedes is cool, 2) Willians Astudillo is cool, 3) a giant slugger smashing a homer off an equally large catcher is, from the perspective of a viewer, just about the best possible outcome for garbage-time baseball.

But one person did not think this was all good and fun, and that person is old dork Tony La Russa, who also happens to be Mercedes's manager:

Some advice for Yermin Mercedes: When La Russa approaches you in the clubhouse to talk about this, just smile and nod, guide him over to his favorite chair near the TV, and turn Fox News on. That should keep him occupied for a few hours.

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