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This happened in Saturday's Yankees-Red Sox game, but I enjoyed it enough to mention it today. During the fourth inning, Yankees baserunner Clint Frazier noticed an insect in distress in the infield dirt, and sprung into action, grabbing his position card and transporting the creature to a spot outside the baseline. "He just looked like he was in pain," Frazier said after the 8-0 victory. "I was just trying to ease him to the side. And I told [first base coach] Reggie [Willits] 'Don't step on him, either.'"

Frazier was rewarded for his humanity: He hit a two-run homer off Dylan Covey in the fifth inning. Thanks to reader Logan for sending in the story.

And thank you for your continued support of Defector. You can use this as an open thread for tonight's action.

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