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Jamal Murray Tried So Hard To Act Like He Didn’t Bonk A Guy’s Balls

Jamal Murray

Photo by Ronald Martinez/Getty Images

Nuggets point guard Jamal Murray was ejected from last night's game against the Dallas Mavericks after receiving a Flagrant 2 foul. As you can see from the video below, the ejection was well-earned—he swatted Tim Hardaway Jr. right in the nuts!

What's notable about this moment is not that Murray decided to goose Hardaway Jr.'s berries (Draymond Green has already made sure that it's not shocking to see such a thing on a basketball court), but that he spent the next few minutes trying really hard to act like he didn't do anything wrong.

Look at the face Murray made after a replay of his transgression was shown on the jumbotron:

Screenshot: Altitude TV

Imagine seeing a video clip of you attacking a guy's nards, shown on a very large screen, and then doing this:

Screenshot: Altitude TV

Once the ejection was announced, Murray tried to sell his innocence even harder:

Screenshot: Altitude TV

A ball sack? Struck by me? Sir, I simply have no idea what you are speaking of!

Screenshot: Altitude TV

Preposterous! This whole proceeding is preposterous!

Screenshot: Altitude TV

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